Wednesday, April 22, 2009

April 19 through April 25

Sunday, April 19

Finally a nice warm Spring day! Everyone even pulled out shorts and sandals. We BBQ'd for dinner and the kids loved being outside. Bryan pulled out his flip-flops and Ben decided he would follow suit. I bought him a pair last summer that never got worn because he wasn't so sure about the thing between his toes or the lack of socks. But he has turned over a new leaf and enjoyed bare feet and flip flops with the best of them!

Monday, April 20

Another day with temps in the 70's and we had a picnic lunch at the park after school. We played for an hour or so and then headed home. A bit later I noticed we all ended up getting sunburned. I didn't think about sunscreen...being out in the sun is still new...I didn't even think about such things. Anyway, we all turned a nice shade of red by late afternoon and took a picture after baths of Ben and Natalie's red noses and arms.

Tuesday, April 21

Today Ben had his first rookie baseball game. He's on the Mud Cats team with some friends in the ward. It's machine/coach pitch and the machine is a bit intimidating. His first time up to bat, he ended using the T but his second time up to bat he was able to get a good hit from the coach pitch. He was excited and had a good time. His shirt number is 11...Bryan informed him that he had #11 on his football jersey when he played in high school. A fun concidence! 13 more games to go!

Wednesday, April 22

All this warm weather inspired a request for snowcones...Natalie's been asking for them all winter but today I actually was excited to get it out. After playing in the sun and wearing sunburns that last few days, a snow cone was just the thing!

Thursday, April 23

Bryan surprised me with some flowers when he came home from work sweet! I love tulips! It was a little bit of beautiful in my hum drum everyday life as a stay at home mom. It seems like lately I've been somewhat emotionally blah...didn't think anyone noticed but when he brought home the flowers I started thinking about how if "momma ain't happy...ain't nobody happy!" I think my mood was wearing on everyone and I didn't realize it. I vow to get my ducks in a row and be more cheerful and grateful! Thanks Sweetheart!

Friday, April 24

Here's another "evidence of someone" photo. Ben loves Oreo's and pick out a bag at the grocery store today for a snack. It was a new flavor...strawberry milkshake. The frosting in the middle is pink and strawberry flavored. Natalie is hot and cold and Oreos but decided she wanted some because of the pink frosting of course. However the photo reveals how she usually eats Oreos...just the frosting and leaves the cookie. I returned to the kitchen after she asked for them to find these little piles of Oreo cookies, minus the cute pink frosting.

Saturday, April 25

Can food be cute? Bryan and I have had this discussion a time or two and today at lunch it was Natalie and Ben's turn. I pulled out some Teddy Graham snack mix that has some miniature teddy grahams, mini graham bees, yogurt raisins, and tiny pretzel twists. Natalie picked up a pretzel and said - "Oh, that pretzel's kind of cute!" Ben replied with a sarcastic - "Food cannot be cute!" Like father like son! It was funny to hear them banter just like Bryan and I. Litte pigs really do have big ears I guess!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April 12 through April 18

Sunday, April 12

Easter Sunday! The Easter bunny visited this morning and brought some fun treats and toys. The kids posed for some pictures in their new church outfits turned out to be a pretty nice day. After church, we visited Great Grandma White and then headed to the Lee's for the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Grandma Lee hides over 500 eggs through the yard and house. Everyone...adults and kids...loves racing to find as many eggs as possible. It was a fun day for all!

Monday, April 13

It was a beautiful Spring day today and we took advantage of the sun by working in the yard, cleaning out the garage, playing at the park, and BBQing pork chops for dinner. It was so great...hard to imagine the snow forcasted for Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 14

It's Ben's last week off track and we're trying to make the most of the week. Due to the rain today, we headed off to an indoor activity. We hit the Walter Wick exhibit at the BYU museum of art and then the Monte L. Bean Museum. I snagged a couple of pictures of the kids at the art museum, only to be politely told by a sweet security guard that photography was not allowed...oops!

Wednesday, April 15

Another indoor activity today due to SNOW...bowling. We went to All Star Lanes in West Jordan and had a fun time bowling just the three of us. Ben won with a whopping score of 110! We even got to play amongst the neon lights and fog machines. They danced, bowled and had a fun day out. The snow had melted by the time we got home and we can't wait for the warm weather promised for next week.

Thursday, April 16

Ben decided to make his own lunch today. He informed me that he had a "new recipe" he was going to try: "a hot dog on a sandwich. With ketchup and mustard...and something else...hmm....I know, butter!" So here he is eating his "new recipe"! Yum! This whole thing makes me smile though because I can remember making a sandwich as a child once with a piece of licorice and a chocolate chip cookie sandwiched between 2 slices of white bread! Can't imagine what I was thinking there. I also remember being told stories of my aunts making mustard sandwiches and sugar sandwiches. Guess it runs in the family!

Friday, April 17

Little Miss Priss decided she needed her fingernails painted to match her started out cute but quickly became a bit much as she repeatedly brought me the nail polish to touch up the mess she was making by scraping it off with her teeth! "Fix it, Mom!"

Saturday, April 18

This afternoon we went to Nana and Grandpa's to celebrate William's first birthday. I made him a cute sock dog to go with a couple of shirts for a gift. The dog turned out pretty good and I'm determined to keep making more...I love them!

Monday, April 13, 2009

April 5 through April 11

Sunday, April 5

After General Conference today, we headed off to Grandpa and Nana's house for an Easter dinner and egg hunt. Nana treated them to an Easter treasure hunt and hid clues around the house that eventually lead to treats and prizes. The kids loved it all, of course. After the hunt, they played a few games and decorated Easter sugar cookies. Lots of fun...thanks Nana and Grandpa!

Monday, April 6

Around Christmas time, I set out to make these fun sock animals but with everything else going on that month I never got around to it. Ben's been asking about them for months and we finally found time the get them finished. Max (dog) and Bing-Bong (monkey) have been dragged around the house since their last stitch was in place. I enjoyed making them and have several pairs of socks waiting for their turn...we'll see what comes out of them soon!

Tuesday, April 7

Ben and Natalie both love looking at their scrapbooks that I have made for them. I think it's good for their self-esteem and I love watching them recount the memories from the pages of each others books. I was up to date last spring but have since gotten behind and need to make time to catch them up. So many little time.

Wednesday, April 8

You know it's Spring when the Kynaston's (our neighbors across the street) put up their Easter chick/bunny. Natalie spotted it this morning and we had to venture across the street later to check it out. We have many Easter pictures in front of this big guy. We've enjoyed all the inflatable holiday decorations that pop up across the street.

Thursday, April 9

We got a mysterious package from the UPS man was addressed just with Bryan's first name and had a return address from some "Sweet Edibles" shop. Bryan and I eyed each other suspiciously and opened it to reveal a giant sugar cookie with a picture of a new Saturn painted on with frosting. It was from the car dealership we bought our new car from last week...just a thank you for buying a new car. It was actually pretty good tasting and the kids enjoyed a eating a big hunk of it.

Friday, April 10

Natalie has recently fallen in love with this cute nightgown. It's a borrowed hand-me-down from her cousin Isabel. We've been lucky enough to exchange hand-me-downs with Jennie...Haydn get's Ben's clothes and Natalie gets Isabel's. We actually got this nightgown last fall but Natalie wasn't interested in wearing it. But recently she decided she wanted to wear this "bedtime dress" and loves it! It was made by Isabel's Grandma Emery. She looks like such a big girl wearing it... I love it too!

Saturday, April 11

We spent some time doing one of my favorite Spring/Easter traditions this afternoon...dyeing Easter eggs. We had a good time dyeing a dozen eggs some pretty spring colors and enjoyed egg salad sandwiches for dinner.