Monday, March 30, 2009

March 29 through April 4

Sunday, March 29th

We celebrated Bryan's 33rd birthday today...his birthday is actually tomorrow but he's leaving for Las Vegas for a business trip. We had the grandparents over for dinner and birthday cake and he opened a few gifts. We're really racking up the years..."33 sure is old" says Ben!

Monday, March 30th

Today was officially Bryan's birthday but since he had to leave to Las Vegas for a business trip, the kids and I celebrated without him by going to a movie. We saw "Monster's vs. Aliens" in 3D. Ben loved it...Natalie wasn't so sure about it and kept getting startled. She asked several times to go home but about 2/3rds through it she started to enjoy it. I loved them wearing the nifty 3D glasses!

Tuesday, March 31st

We headed out to the mall today and ran into the Easter bunny. Natalie wanted nothing to do with him, but Ben enjoyed giving him high fives and "bones". They got these fun bunny ears and posed at home for me. After we walked away from the Easter Bunny, Ben, in his six year old insight, says to me..."that was just some guy in a costume, huh." What can a mother say. It obviously was not a real "yep, it was just a costume...something fun for Easter!" It didn't seem to phase in belief in the Easter bunny or other such characters though.

Wednesday, April 1st

Since Ben has been off track, I've been working out a little later in the morning sinch we don't have to rush off to school. Usually the kids just play around me but this week Ben has taken an interest in exercising with me. He loves trying to keep up and build some strong muscles. We even got him some new "exercise shoes!"

Thursday, April 2nd

Natalie is all girl! She loves being a little mother to her babies. Lately I've often found her playing in her room, emptying the closet of all things baby, and setting up a little nursery. So cute...too bad she's not so excited about cleaning up!

Friday, April 3rd

We bought a new family truckster today...a 2009 Saturn Outlook. It's a bit bigger than our last car and it's fun to have something brand spankin' new. The kids are excited about it too...Natalie mourned the loss of our "gray one" but quickly got over it when we picked up the new one. The kids were troopers and behaved well through the tedious process of buying a car.

Saturday, April 4th

My little girly-girl has a new pasttime...she enjoys putting makeup on with me in the morning. She used to just go for the lipgloss but now she's into everything and even tried out the mascara today! She missed the mark though and ended spearing into her eyebrows. What am I in for when she gets older?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

March 22 through 28

Sunday, March 22nd

Bryson and Braydon (our nephews) came to play this afternoon while their parents and sisters went to the Draper Temple dedication. Ben and Natalie enjoyed their company this afternoon after anticipating them coming all morning. After church they both asked multiple times when they were coming.

Monday, March 23rd

We had some new insulation put in our attic and basement ceiling a result the front door was open quite a bit on this cool day and we all need to keep our feet is Natalie and her slipper choice.

Tuesday, March 24th

Ben had a fun play date today with a friend from school. He's had his up's and down's with Kindergarten but making new friends has definitely been an up! Harrison is a fun friend to play with. They both love to do the video game thing and had fun trading off with Harrison's DS and Ben's Leapster. Ben has been introduced to the DS by several friends and can't wait to get his own..."when will it be Christmas, Mom?"

Wednesday, March 25th

This is the photo of the day...quite a contrast to last week's pictures of us playing outside and enjoying warm, sunny days. This week, winter has decided to give a final blast or two, unfortunately. We want the sun back!

Thursday, March 26th

Another wintery picture for you...the second photo is of the storm outside and the first is of Natalie watching Frosty the seemed appropriate on such a day.

Friday, March 27th

Little artists at work...Can I say once again how wonderful it is to see them playing nicely together? They don't always play well together put it is so sweet when they do so I have to catch it camera when they do!

Saturday, March 38th

We took the kids to Nana and Grandpa's as usual on Saturday so we could clean the building. However, the kids got to interact with an some new friends. My parents often have a pair of ducks that hang out on their street in the Spring and they have recently returned. Ben and Natalie fed them some bread and then chased them away...I'm sure they be back for more later, though! My mom said she read somewhere that ducks mate for life and she's sure it's the same ducks year after year.

Friday, March 20, 2009

March 15 through 21

Sunday, March 15th

We were ready a little early for church today so I had time to take a quick picture of the kids in their cute church outfits. These are Christmas clothes and hopefully the weather will permit more Springish outfits soon!

Monday, March 16th

What a great big brother...Ben decided to help feed Natalie dinner. He can be really sweet with her when he chooses. Hopefully such pictures will encourage more of such behavior!

Tuesday, March 17th

Happy St. Patrick's Day! We had a fun green dinner to celebrate the day: lime marinaded chicken, a green salad, green grapes and pears, grilled green veggies (peppers, zucchini, and potatoes), green Kool-aid, Thin Mint cookies, and Hersey's gold nuggets in little pots.

Wednesday, March 18th

What a wonderful week of warm weather we're enjoying. We had lunch at the park today and it was a popular place to be as everyone else had the same idea! We also enjoyed playing in our yard with bubbles and scooters.

Thursday, March 19th

We spent the warm afternoon planting some of our garden seeds. The kids were a big help and seemed just as excited about the project as I am! They kept asking how long it would take for them to grow and when we can put them in the garden.

Friday, March 20th

The first day of Spring! Our tulips are making great progress and the trees are looking closer to bursting into blooms! I spent some time yesterday cleaning up the yard and can't wait for more signs of Spring!

Saturday, March 21st

Another one bites the dust...Yellow died yesterday and was flushed to little fishy heaven to be with Goldie. We replaced him with Spot...and are hoping for better luck. Yellow's death may have been my fault. Last week when I was cleaning the fishbowl, Yellow jumped out of the net when I was transferring him out of the dirty bowl. I scooped him up as quick as a could and into the cup but I'm not sure if he's been the same since. Pets are just not my thing I guess.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 8 through 14

Sunday, March 8th

No picture... but I played the piano in sacrament meeting at church today. I played an arrangement of "Love at Home". I'm not the greatest of performers but it went pretty well considering my hands were shaking so. Some of my piano students from the ward commented on my performance...I think they were a bit amazed that I actually can play the piano. One parent said I was like the ward celebrity and there kids were commenting to others around them "She's my piano teacher!" Anyway it helped me get some practicing in.

Monday, March 9th

It was "Dad's and Donuts" at school day and Bryan was able to spend a fun hour with Ben at school. I forget to send the camera so this is them after they got home...both were all smiles and had a good time playing games and eating donuts!

Tuesday, March 10th

It snowed last night and I made an attempt at getting a picture of our house while it was didn't turn out the best but it was a pretty night. I enjoy snow more in December but Spring snow has a few melts quickly and it does pretty the world up a bit, covering the brown and blaugh that winter has left behind. Only 10 more days till Spring!

Wednesday, March 11th

Another "Evidence of Someone" photo. Can you tell who left this behind? She stuck her little finger in the picture as I was taking it...proud of her work, I guess. She was going potty and I left her for a second. When I returned I found Ben informing me that she had unrolled most of the toilet paper roll and he was trying to be helpful so he rolled it back up...ever so neatly don't you think? Needless to say it ended up in the garbage. What good times!

Thursday, March 12th

Natalie has recently started giving up naps. She'll still take them if I make her but then she's up until 9 or 10pm at night. So were at a crossroads as to what to do because while I hate giving up naps I don't want her staying up after her BIG brother goes to bed! But today she had a nap and here she is having a late night snack with Mom. Truth be told, however, it is kind of fun having quiet one-on-one time with my little girl!

Friday, March 13th

One of our favorites ways to spend an afternoon playing is to build a fort with the couch cushions downstairs. The neighbors love it...I wonder if this is allowed at their houses? If not a fort, then they try to stack the cushions and climb the mountain without it tipping over. Lots of fun!

Saturday, March 14th

Ben and Natalie can be good playmates...when they want to that is. Here they are playing with Natalie's doll tub. Ben graciously agreed to sit in while she pretended to give him a bath!

Monday, March 2, 2009

March 1 through 7

Sunday, March 1st

I got some cute new Sunday shoes this's Natalie modeling some for me. I usually drop off my shoes on the way in the door from church and both Ben and Natalie love to snatch them up and tromp around the house making as much noise as possible. Natalie ended up being the picture model today but Ben was actually the first to test out the new shoes after church! I'm sure he'll love knowing this later in life!

Monday, March 2nd

Today was one the extra pleasant days when everyone seemed happy and nothing went wrong...the kids played well together and we happy all day. Here they are singing and smiling at the dinner table...a little of heaven on earth.

Tuesday, March 3rd

Natalie has been asking everyday for a game of hide and seek...she makes it easy on me though as she usually hides in the same spot I did before her and then she'll call out as I'm looking, "I'm in here, Mom!". So cute and fun! Here she is hiding in one of our favorite spots...the bathtub.

Wednesday, March 4th

Here's another "evidence of someone" picture. Ben is usually a neat and tidy little boy and picks his things up pretty well...however, this is a good example of evidence that Ben has been playing here...little Star Wars or Indiana Jones characters left out. These poor guys fell into a "Mousetrap!".

Thursday, March 5th

Friday, March 6th

Ben and Natalie decided they wanted to make their own lunch today... PB and J was the decided menu and here they are in action. Ben's turned out pretty well and he only needed a little help with the jam. Natalie however didn't get very far with hers because she kept getting peanut butter on her hands and was more interested in licking it off than making the sandwich.

Saturday, March 7th

Today was a little opposite of our Monday picture...the kids were having a hard time playing and talking nicely so I put them to work helping me with Saturday chores. They settled down after helping with a few jobs and were much more motivated to play and get along!