Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February 22 through 28

Sunday, February 22

"I wanna play a game, Mom." This is one of Natalie's new favorite pasttimes. She loves to get out Guess Who, Cookin' Cookies, Mousetrap, or several others and try and play a game. She's a crack-up with Guess Who and will tell you write off the bat who she's got. We have a Disney version and she loves to find the princesses. "Look, I got Snow White!...ask me question, Mom."

Monday, February 23

Bryan gave me a rod and picture frames from Rod Works for Christmas and we finally got around to hanging them up. They look great!

Tuesday, February 24

They're here! We got our garden seed order in the mail today! I'm so excited! Although they did arrive with a couple of disappointments...they were out of stock of yellow carrots, Japenese cucumbers, hot peppers, and black cherry tomatoes. Oh well, next year I'll remember to order a little earlier. But as you can see we have quite a collection to keep our garden busy this summer: zucchini, butternut squash, watermelon, 2 kinds lettuce, spinach, peas, 3 kinds of tomatoes, cucumbers, crook neck squash, lemon squash, orange and green peppers, acorn squash, eggplant, 3 kinds of carrots, 2 kinds of pumpkins and some holly hock flowers. Next up is getting the peas, spinach and lettuce started! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 25

It was a nice, warm sunny day today. So after lunch we went to Butterfield Park with Jennie, Isabel and Haydn. They enjoyed playing together for about 2 hours! Ben was excited about being brave enough to go down the fire pole by himself and Natalie worried about the bugs who came out to enjoy the sun with us. It was a fun afternoon. It's so nice to have a sister down the street who's a great friend and has kids that are the same age as mine!

Thursday, February 26

As I have posted before, I trade babysitting with my sister Jennie so we can volunteer at the school. Today Hadyn came over and got busy playing with Natalie in her room. I was cleaning the bathrooms and went to check on them and found they had emptied the toy organizer in her closet and dumped all the contents behind the bed and then threw the bins on top...and then added their socks to the pile to finish it off. When I found them, I couldn't help but smile and take a picture! It reminded me of a similar incident that Ben and Isabel had a couple of years ago. We were playing a Jennie's house and we were taking care of Natalie and Haydn (they were babies at the time) and went to check on Ben and Isabel to find that they had taken all of the toys from her closet and dumped them behind her bed. They were about to start on the bookshelf when we found them! Good times!

Friday, February 27

We've been working on a project for Ben's room...a solar system to hang from the ceilng! Here's the almost finished project. He's so excited. He has been declaring for quite some time that he wants to be an astronaut when he grows up and have his own rocket ship that he can explore the planets with. We also got some glow in the dark stars to put up and he wants to get a model rocket to put together and display. We'll post some finalized pictures when we get it done.

Saturday, February 28

Sad day today...we lost our dear pet goldfish, Goldie, today. Ben was most upset. Bryan discovered it and we debated whether we should replace it without him knowing or not. I decided we needed to tell him. When we got the fish 2 months ago, I warned him that goldfish don't live as long as people so he'd understand that it was a short relationship, but none the less he was very upset and cried a lot. I tried to get a picture of his crocodile tears and quivering chin but he wasn't excited about that. However we did get some happy pictures of our trip to the pet store that day. We came home with 2 guppies...Ben's is "Gubby-Gubby" and Natalie's is "Lellow". They are a bit hyper for fish and have been chasing Red around the fishbowl. Hopefully they calm down!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

February 15 through 21

Sunday, February 15

We gave Natalie a Snow White costume for Valentine's Day...she loves it! She dresses up in it frequently and I just love watching her dance around in her crown and shoes. I love, love the shoes with her cute, chumby feet inside!

Monday, February 16

No school on account of President's Day, so we decided to try out our new snow tubes in the backyard. I wasn't sure how well it would work but it turns out that the slope in our backyard is just the right size for my timid two. We spent several hours out there sliding down and trudging back up. We eventually wore out the little snow in our yard so we headed across the street to our neighbors and tried out a little bit bigger slope. What a fun day!

Tuesday, February 17

I'm getting that Spring Fever kind of feeling...restlessness and a desire to clean and plant. I ordered this great seed catalog and found some fun things for our garden. I'm hoping my order comes soon so we can get a jump start on our garden.

Wednesday, February 18

Our little princess is working on potty training! I've decided I can no longer pretend she is a baby so we've been getting rid of binkies and diapers! She's doing really well...let's hope it continues!

Thursday, February 19

Today was Ben's 100th day of school and they had a fun celebration at school. Mrs. Craven gave them all a silly 100 mask at the end of the day to take home. As it turns out, this 100th day did not end up being our best day, as you can tell in the photo. Even Kindergartners have lumps and bumps in life. On to day 101!

Friday, February 20

"Mom, can I call a friend?" I get asked this question on a daily basis. Ben loves being able to have a friend come over and play. Mom and little sister don't always top the list of favorite playmates any more. He's lucky to have some great friends on our street and it's a fun afternoon when someone can come over to play Star Wars or Indiana Jones or whatever adventures they can imagine!

Saturday, February 21

The weather has been great the past few days and we've taken advantage of the sun and played outside a bit. Natalie was playing the dirt and we noticed our tulips are starting to pop up...I'm so excited! This is the first time I've planted tulips and I'm anxious to see what they do. Spring is getting closer!

Monday, February 9, 2009

February 8 through 14

Sunday, February 8

Sunday morning funnies...the kids love tickling Daddy. He indulges them with great big belly laughs that are really convincing...but if you really want to get him, go for the feet!

Monday, February 9

Evidence of someone...I can always tell where Natalie has been playing. She loves to collect miscellaneous stuff in bags and purses and then dump it out or line it up in random places. Todays activities involved dumping the contents of three purses in the oven of her little kitchen. She said she was putting it all in the dishwasher to get it clean. She is a different breed than her brother. He's much tider and better at putting things away. She gets upset to find her piles have been put away....but on the bright side, she loves to clean toilets!

Tuesday, February 10

With Valentine's coming up, I thought I'd write a few love notes:

3 things I love about you:
1. Your happiness and desire to jostle a smile or laugh out of others with silliness, jokes, and endless teasing.
2. Your love for me and your flattering compliments even when I feel like a frumpy house wife at the end of the day.
3. Your kindness and sensitivity.

Wednesday, February 11

3 things I love about you:
1. Your curiosity and inquisitiveness about everything in life...despite the hundreds of questions each day.
2. Your kindness and love...I love your snuggles and cuddles.
3. Your endless energy and love of life.

Thursday, February 12

3 things I love about you:
1. Your contagious giggles and smiles and silly faces and sayings that make me laugh.
2. Your sweet, little girly ways...playing with babies and kitchens, carrying purses, wearing lipgloss and nail polish, loving princesses.
3. Your kisses and snuggles.

Friday, February 13

It was Ben's valentine's party at school today. We had a fun time playing Bingo, decorating cookies and doing a few Valentine's centers. Bryan and Natalie were some of my great helpers!

Saturday, February 14

Love Day! We celebrated by giving the kids a small gift and having a fun Valentine's dinner together. We gave Natalie a Snow White dress up outfit and Ben a Star Wars ship. When Ben opened his, in his childhood honesty responded by saying: "well, it's not what I wanted but it's what you got, so..." I laughed and laughed at that. Luckily he ended up loving the toy despite having a different idea about what it was. I think he thought it was going to be like Christmas. Natalie, on the other hand, opened her and immediately dressed up in it and responded with: "I'm going dancing!" What fun memories!

Monday, February 2, 2009

February 1 through 7

Sunday, February 1

Superbowl Sunday today. After church and dinner, we went to Baker's for an extended FHE and Superbowl party. After baths, Ben read Natalie a few stories. Their favorite this week is a book from the library called "Flight of the Dodo"...silly book about flightless birds taking to the sky. They love it because they get to say "poop"! Go figure...

Monday, February 2

We have an annual membership to Hogle Zoo so we took advantage of a sunny day and headed up to the zoo. The weather was so nice and the animals were surprisingly active. They monkeys were swinging about, the cougars were fighting, the leopard was pacing, and the elephants were eating snow! We took our traditional photo by the "How Do You Measure Up" primate silhouettes. We have several of these and it's fun to see how the kids have grown.

Tuesday, February 3

The picture is from today, but the story is from last week...
Last week, while one of my piano students was waiting for her mom to pick her up I was starting "Sleeping Beauty" for Natalie and my student told me Aurora was her favorite princess and when her family went to Disneyland in December she got to dance with Prince Phillip. After her story I told her Aurora was my favorite princess too. Then I asked Natalie..."who's your favorite princess?" Her reply: "Me!". Too cute! She's our favorite princess too!

Wednesday, February 4

Awhile back one of our friends posted a picture on her blog of her daughters "bed head" and dared anyone to compete...well I think she has some good competition with Natalie's "bed head" hair..."business in front and a party in the back!"

Thursday, February 5

Here's Hadyn and Natalie having making messes and having fun. I'm so lucky to have my sister down the street to trade babysitting with. We trade off during with week with Haydn and Natalie so we can volunteer at school in Ben and Isabel's Kindergarten classes. Natalie loves playing with Haydn...she asks for him every morning after we drop Ben and Isabel off! She's become interested in "having a friend over" because she watches Ben do it everyday.

Friday, February 6

It's my Dad's 60th birthday tomorrow. To celebrate, my Mom planned a birthday dinner for him with just the kids...no grandkids. We had a nice dinner at their house and played a couple of games. I love my family and enjoy fun times like that together.

Saturday, February 7

We made heart shaped pancakes for breakfast this morning...a preview for Valentine's Day next week. Just a lazy Saturday morning. Bryan worked for about 36 hours Thursday and Friday so we were trying to keep busy but quiet...not an easy task for two kids!